As we all know Liturgy is the center of Christian life for the Church and the outstanding means whereby the faithful may express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of Christ. It is at the heart of all parish life, making the liturgy the highest priorities in any parish.

The Liturgy Committee and convened for the first time in our Parish under the leadership of Fr. Michael Bansode in August 2017.

We are total 8 members in the English group.  We meet every 3rd Saturday of the month and discuss and decide the Liturgical needs of our Parish.  The moto of our team is to:

  • Promote good communication and relationships
  • Be clear about our purpose
  • Keep prayer and reflection central
  • Provide on-going training and formation
  • Review regularly
  • Empower and enable others to take responsibility

After having executed this group for about a year, we started the Lectors group.  At the moment, we have around 60 lectors registered, trained and inducted as Official Lectors. We have maintained a Mass-wise list of names and allocation of Lectors is done sequentially and advance notice of one month is given to the Lectors informing them their date and readings to enable them be ready for their turn.  This helps to make our Sunday Liturgy more meaningful for our Parishioners.